It’s hard to get back to it, you know?
Harder still to get back to something that feels like it’s already run its course, when you aren’t yet sure how to evoke the NEXT thing.
But, as in yoga…
This is why we practice.
And so where do we go… and who do we become… when the course has been run?
When the next evolution of soul has been calling?
When WE have been calling ourselves home?
What is to be said about the NEXT thing when it feels like we never finished with the LAST thing?
And how are we to be shown…
When we aren’t yet sure how to SEE?
Well, the revelation is in the descent.
And the descent is in the willingness to fall.
And the willingness is in the surrender.
And the surrender is in the trusting.
And, ah.
That one.
Give us more.
How do we trust?
When we have been so encoded through colonized constructs and systemic trauma patterns to believe that not only are WE not trustworthy…
But that the God and life and Creator to whom we surrender also, inherently within these beliefs, cannot be trusted.
How do we trust when we have been invaded with conditioning that has taught us the only thing to be trusted is that which has oppressed us in the first place?
And if we do not trust, how then are we to be revealed back unto ourselves?
How is the magic and medicine for the times to be revealed as us?
Well, therein lies the rub, right?
Because the oppressive constructs WANT us unable to trust.
They WANT us to stay hidden and unrevealed.
But, then, what do WE want?
Those of us who are called.
For more.
For less.
For everything.
For nothingness.
Those of us who have lived in the {un}belonging.
Who have begged for thread and for tread within the stitching and journeying of our own primordial souls.
And how do we allow ourselves to remember what it is we actually desire…
When we have been brought so low as to believe that it is our own desiring that holds us down?
When we have been so blinded as to believe that the boots on our necks are of our own making?
When, it’s all said and done…
We have been so encoded as to believe that the boots on our neck ARE FOR OUR OWN GOOD?
Because who could rise up against themselves?
And who would WANT to rise up if they believe their oppressor has their {the oppressed’s} “best interest” in mind?
It’s all so truly fucked.
So deeply and inherently fucked that sometimes we forget to even look at how we’re being broken.

But, we are divine manifestations of the Most High.
And we can never be broken.
Not really.
Not truly.
Not our spirits which ARE Spirit itself made flesh.
And so.
What do we get back TO?
When the to is the from and the from is the soul and the soul is that which always and ever simply… Is.
We breathe.
We breathe ourselves back down, down, down.
Into the spaces between.
Into the spaces between our own selves.
We begin to remember.
We begin to CHOOSE to remember.
We allow the unfolding and revelation of that which Is, as us.
We say yes.
With the inhale.
With the exhale.
With the pause.
We become our own yes.
To everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, we have been shown that we can’t yet see.
And we learn to trust ourselves beneath the waves.
Because we know.
Even before our mind knows.
And we lean into that knowing.
We unravel in that knowing.
We are remade in the image of Creation itself.
Because in that knowing, we are known.
And in that knowing…
We come home.
The next time you have nothing to say.
And forget.
And remember again.
And breathe.
And choose it.
Choose yourself.
And there you will be.
I love you.
You are loved.
As always…
Here’s to your untaming,
I made us something.
A free activation portal for Those Who Are Called.
It’s called Rising Tide.
If you’re ready to breathe yourself back into formlessness and form…
While decolonizing the fuck out of your everything…
And if you’re ready to trust… rawer, wilder, and deeper… even when you can’t yet see…