Choosing the magic even though the world is burning
(or: why the fuck aren’t we saying the things?)

Sometimes it feels pointless to begin again.
Because the state of the world has us questioning if there even IS an actual point.
To it all.
To us showing up in the face of madness.
Where more and more supposedly “conscious” and “liberated” white bodies (and some deeply colonized melanated bodies) deny the atrocities unfolding before our eyes.
Where they also deny the current state of affairs being a result of the ongoing, systemic state of oppression UNDERLYING those affairs.
And so we ask ourselves why we should bother to show up to a world that has consistently not shown up to us (and people who look like us, our ancestors, the most marginalized, the Global Majority as a whole, etc).
Sometimes it seems like there’s a trick lever to this whole humaning thing.
And if we can find this lever of privilege in ye old Muggle Dick Matrix (ah, memories!!), that we will somehow ascend the fuckery of this mortal coil.
And, if we happen to be amongst the “unlucky” souls who are unaware of this lever in the first place, that we’re just right and truly fucked.
And so, again, we ask for the point of saying the things… when the things seem to merely get lost in a swirling maelstrom of colonization, capitalism, and rampant white supremacist worldviews.
So, we wonder:
How do we find ourselves in the void?
How do we choose and allow ourselves to be FOUND when the finding itself seems to be wrought with bodily danger and identity attacks?
{See current examples: Amanda Seales and Angel Reese}
And, how do we become consciously awakened Erotic Abolitionists™ in the face of them playing IN our face?
Phew chile…
This world is a lot.
Navigating and using our own privilege for the good of the collective body is a lot.
{This fucking ECLIPSE is a lot. 😩😮💨}
But yet and still…
We are here.
In this.
With one another.
And, when it comes down to it, with our own self.
And so what will we choose to do with it all?
Who will we decide to remember and become within and as it all?
Because while the world is burning in the most horrific of ways right now…
When was it actually NOT burning?
I mean yeah, sure, you might currently be more aware of things affecting other people and cultures than you were before the past few months or years.
But those atrocities were still happening before you were actively AWARE of them happening.
And so, again…
What will you DO and BE with it all?
What will you allow to be said and revealed with you as the portal?
And how will you lean into the burning, in order to allow yourself to be remade in the flames?
Because the fires will not go out with those of us called to the Medicine Work hiding or running from our magic.
The artists, the healers, the medicine kin…
The voices for the voiceless…
The world is burning.
And so are we.
The only question is what we will choose to unleash through the inferno of the holyfied, {re}pussified now.
As always…
Here’s to your untaming,
The Erotic Abolitionism™ Experience is where I’ll be pouring the madness and mystery for my Melanated Medicine Kin and Soul Refugees.
Each month, we’ll be excavating a potent af Medicine Portal and this month’s is Magnetizing The Wilds.
If you’ve been feeling disconnected from your magic and voice in the face of #allthethings, this might just be your way home unto yourself.
Our live Studio Session is going down this Thursday.
You do NOT want to miss this.
If you are one of us…
Let’s get this shit, Wild One.
Because it’s time for you to remember who the fuck you are.
At the next level and every level after that.
Even now.
For more on today’s medicine, watch this.